

create a simple trash


Step 01

Create a 256 by 256px document. First, turn on the Grid (View > Grid) and the Snap to Grid (View > Snap to Grid). Next, you’ll need a grid every 1px. Go to Edit > Preferences > Guides & Grid, enter “1″ in the “Gridline every :” box and “1″ in the “Subdivisions” box. You can also open the Info palette for a live preview with the size of your shape. Al these options will significantly increase your work speed.

Step 02

Pick the Rectangle Tool(M), create a 50 by 10px shape and fill it with R=242 G=242 B=242. Create a second shape. Make it 50px wide and 3px tall, fill it with R=51 G=51 B=51 and place it below the first shape (image #2).

Step 03

Continue with the Rectangle Tool(M) and create a 50 by 145px shape. Fill it with R=242 G=242 B=242 and place it below the shapes made in the previous step. Reselect the Rectangle Tool(M), create a 50 by 8px shape and fill it with R=51 G=51 B=51. Place this final shape below the large shape.

Step 04

Select all the shapes created so far and group them (Ctrl + G). Select this new group and go to Object > 3D > Revolve. Enter the data shown below then go to Object > Expand Appearance. Now, you need to ungroup and organize the resulting shapes. Save the shapes selected in image #2 and delete the others. Name these shapes from “1″ to “5″ as shown below.

Step 05

Grab the Rectangle Tool(M), create a 30 by 13px shape and place it as shown in the first image. Select this rectangle along with shape “4″ and click on the Minus Front button from the Pathfinder panel. Select the resulting shape and name it “4″.

Step 06

Select shape “1″ and fill it with the linear gradient shown in image #1. Reselect this shape and go to the Appearance panel. Open the flyout menu and click on Add New Fill. Select this new fill (from the Appearance panel) and use the gradient shown in the second image. Reselet this fill and lower its opacity to 60%.

Step 07

Go to Edit > Preferences > General and enter “0,5″ in the Keyboard Increment box. Create two copies of “1″ (Ctrl + C > Ctrl + F) then select the top copy and hit the up arrow (to move it 0.5px up). Reselect both copies and click on the Minus Front button from the Pathfinder panel. Fill the resulting shape with R=230 G=230 B=230 then add a second fill and use the linear gradient shown in the final image.

Step 08

Pick the Ellipse Tool(L), create a squeezed shape (60 by 0,7px), fill it with white and place like in the image below. Grab the Convert Anchor Point Tool (Shift + C) and click on the left and right anchor points (highlighted with yellow). Select the resulting shape, add the Arc effect (Effect > Warp > Arc) and lower its opacity to 70%.

Step 09

Let’s continue with shape “2″. First, fill it with R=176 G=176 B=176 then add four new fills and use the linear gradients shown below. Take a closer look at the gradients. The yellow text stands for Opacity and the white text stands for Location. Select the last fill and lower its opacity to 15%.

Step 10

Create two copies of “2″ then select the top copy and hit the up arrow (to move it 0.5px up). Reselect both copies and click on the Minus Front button from the Pathfinder panel. Fill the resulting shape with R=77 G=77 B=77.

Step 11

Select shape “3″, fill it with R=31 G=31 B=31 then add a new fill and use the linear gradient. Select the second fill and lower its opacity to 20%.

Step 12

Select shape “4″, fill it with R=176 G=176 B=176 then add a five new fills and use the linear gradients shown below. Select the fifth fill and lower its opacity to 80% then select the sixth fill and lower its opacity to 10%.

Step 13

Go to Edit > Preferences > General and enter “0,75″ in the Keyboard Increment box. Create two copies of “4″ then select the top copy and hit the right arrow twice (to move it 1,5px to the right). Reselect both copies and click on the Minus Front button from the Pathfinder panel. You should get a group of three shapes. Save the top right shape and delete the other two. Select this thin shape, go to the Appearance panel and remove five of the six fills then fill it with R=242 G=242 B=242. Create another two copies of “4″. Select the top copy and move hit the left arrow (to move it 0,75px to the left). Reselect these two copies and click on the Minus Front button from the Pathfinder panel. Again, you should get a group of three shape. Save the top left shape and remove the other two. Fill this shape with R=153 G=153 B=153 (don’t forget to remove the extra fills).

Step 14

Go to Edit > Preferences > General and enter “0,5″ in the Keyboard Increment box. Once again, create two copies of “4″. Select the top copy and hit the up arrow (to move it 0,5px up) then reselect both copies and click on the Minus Front button from the Pathfinder panel. You should get a group of three shapes. Remove the middle shape then fill the left shape with the linear gradient and the right shape with R=230 G=230 B=230.

Step 15

Select shape “5″ and fill it with R=51 G=51 B=51 then add three new fills and use the gradients shown below. Select the fourth fill and lower its opacity to 15%.

Step 16

Grab the Rectangle Tool(M) and create a simple rectangle. Fill it with black, Send it to Back (Shift + Ctrl + [) and place it as shown in the first image. Hit Shift + Ctrl + F10 to open the Transparency panel. Pick the Ellipse Tool(L) and create a squeezed shape as shown in the second image. Fill it with black, add a 7px Gaussian Blur effect and lower its opacity to 30%. Now, you need to mask this shape. Create a copy of "4", fill it with white and Bring it to Front (Shift + Ctrl + ]). Select this white shape along with the blurred circle then open the flyout menu of the Transparency panel and click on Make Opacity Mask.

Step 17

Pick the Ellipse Tool and create a 35 by 20px shape. Now, grab the Rectangle Tool(M) and create a shape above the upper half of this circle. Reselect both shapes and click on the Minus Front button from the Pathfinder panel. Fill the resulting shape with R=242 G=242 B=242. Select this half circle, add the 3D effect then go to Object > Expand Appearance. You should get two new shapes. Ungroup them.

Step 18

Select the top shape made in the previous step and fill it with the linear gradient shown in the first image. Add a new fill for this shape and use the radial gradient shown in the second image. Select this second fill and lower its opacity to 80%.

Step 19

Select the bottom shape (made in step #17) and fill it with R=133 G=133 B=133. Add three new fills for this shape and use the linear gradients shown below. Select the fourth fill and lower its opacity to 25%.

Step 20

Pick the Ellipse Tool(L), create a squeezed shape (19 by 0,3px), fill it with white and place it as shown in the image below. Grab the Convert Anchor Point Tool (Shift + C) and click on the left and right anchor points (highlighted with yellow). Select the resulting shape, add the Arc effect (Effect > Warp > Arc) then lower its opacity to 50%.

Step 21

Finally, let’s add a simple shadow effect. Pick the Ellipse Tool(L) and create a 102 by 52px shape. Send it to Back (Shift + Ctrl + [) and place it in the bottom of your icon. Fill it with black, add a 7px Gaussian Blur effect then lower its opacity to 25%.


Now your work is done. Here is how it should look like.


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