create a new layer and name it “Piggy’s Backside Head”. Now grab the Elliptical Marquee Tool from the Tool’s Palette on the left of the Photoshop’s Interface and make a rounded selection as it’s shown on the image above.
Now before we get down on coloring the selection I suggest you to set the default colors on your Colors Tool from the Tools Palette on the left. Set a default black as a Foreground and a default white as a Background color or simply press the button D on your keyboard. If you set the colors we can move on the coloring part.
Now till we’re having the Elliptical Marquee Tool selected, move the mouse cursor above the selection, press the right button of the mouse and choose the option Fill.
Now after you filled the selection simply press the right button above the selection once again and choose the option Deselect to erase the selection.
Your filled “Piggy’s Backside Head” layer should looks like this.
Now reduce the Opacity of the layer on 60%.
Then duplicate the layer and name that layer “Piggy’s Main Head” and increase the Opacity of this one on 100%.
Now scale the “Piggy’s Main Head” layer for 2%. To do that, press CTRL+T, then in up in the Options Bar on you’ll notice the W and H scale percentage – up to 100% on the both. Decrease that number to 98% on each one of it.
So far you’ll need to have something closely to this thing right here.
When we’re finished with the structure of the “Main Piggy’s Head” layer we’ll move on with the Layer Properties.
After we applied the style it should looks like this.
We’re well familiar with the fact that when design is in question we should keep all the things on the same level at the same time or should I say we need to work on each part of the structure constantly.
That’s why we’ll move on structuring the Eyes right now and we’ll get back to the Head Shape a little bit later.
Now create a new layer and name it “The Eye” then choose the Elliptical Marquee Tool once again and create the eye on the same way as you’ve created the “Piggy’s Backside Head”.
By designing the eye we’re going to create 4 eye-layers, each one of it, has its own significance.
Here’s how the eye should look’s like.
Now when we’ve managed the eye structure we’ll move on modifying it.
1. So select the “Eye Layer 01” and decrease it’s opacity to 70%.
2. After that, select the “Eye Layer 02” and double-click on it to enter the Layer Properties.
3. Select the “Eye Layer 03” and duplicate it. Decrease the Opacity to 60% to the one in the front and enter the Layer Properties,
and for the one in the back, add a Gaussian Blur to it.
4. We’ll do pretty much the same with the “Eye Layer 04” as well, we’re going to duplicate it, select the one in the front and enter the Layer Properties,
5. and add a Gaussian Blur on the one in the back.
Only this time we’re not going to decrease any of the Opacities but we’re going to color the blurred layer in the back in #00254C.
This is how it supposed to look like, so far.
The next step is creating the structure of the Piggy’s Nose.
Grab the Pen Tool and create a shape such as shown below. Name it “Piggy’s Nose”.
Duplicate the layer “Piggy’s Nose”, name the one in the back “Piggy’s Nose Blur 01”
Color the “Piggy’s Nose Blur 01” in #1a1a1a, then add Gaussian Blur on it and reduce the Opacity to 50%.
Then duplicate the layer “Piggy’s Nose” once again, and name the one in the back (between the “Piggy’s Nose and the “Piggy’s Nose Blur 01”) in “Piggy’s Nose Blur 02”.
Select the “Piggy’s Nose Blur 02” color it in #12021C, add a Gaussian Blur on it, and reduce the Opacity to 70%.
After that, get back to the main layer –“Piggy’s Nose” and go into the Layer Properties.
Here’s the result so far.
Now, create a new layer and name it “Nose Wrinkle”. Set the #433740 as a Foreground Color, select the Brush Tool, choose the Soft Rounded Brush on 1 pixel and make a path above the nose.
While holding the Pen Tool, right click on the path and choose the option Stroke Path.
On the pop-up dialog, choose the Brush Tool as a primary instrument and check the option Simulate Pressure.
You’ll probably get something like this.
You can repeat the same step and form more of it, depending of how much wrinkles you wish you’re Piggy Button to have.
The next step is creating the nose holes.
Make a new layer and name it “Nose Holes”.
We’ll lay down on the Elliptical Marquee Tool once again and make the holes on the same way we created the head, the eyes etc…
When you’ll be done with shaping the holes, duplicate them both.
On the ones of the top, apply these settings in the Layer Properties.
And on the ones in the back, add a Gaussian Blur on them.
We’re done with the nose as well, so we’ll move along on the final stage of constructing the elements.
We’re going to create the Ears of the Piggy.
Again, in a favor of the Pen Tool create a basic shape of the ear.
Apply these settings in the Layer Properties.
Now duplicate the layer, erase the style of it and scale it down to 50%.
Your result:
For the end grab the Brush Tool and create a new layer in the back of the Eyes and the Nose layers and in
front of the Head layer.
Choose the #DBABD0 as a Foreground Color on the Color Tool then choose a Soft Rounded Brush on 150
pixels and add 2 spots on the beneath the eyes on the both sides.
To wrap things up, merge all the layers, and go to Filter > Render > Lighting Effects.
Select Omni Light as a type.
And here it is. Congratulations!
Cute Piggy Button

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