Step 1
Make a rounded rectangle with a radius of 4px with the following layer styles.Step 2
Duplicate the layer and add the following layer styles.Step 3
Make a rounded rectangle like the one below and add the following layer styles. Make sure to set the fill to 0%Step 4
Make another rounded rectangle and apply the following layer styles. Make sure to set the fill to 0%Step 5
Go here, and create a new gradient fill and make sure it looks like this. Duplicate and drag it to the left.Step 6
Make the same shape then duplicate and drag it to the right and then do the same thing on the bottom.Step 7
Make a 1px line and give it a layer mask and with the black brush go over the sidesStep 8
Make another 1px line and place it above the gradient on the left. Duplicate and move to the right.Step 9
Make a gradient fill and just keep the default settings. Add a layer mask and grab the selection of the body ( step 1 ) by getting the path selection tool and right clicking make selection then inverse and click on the gradient fill mask and go to select > inverse and fill with black.Step 10
Make a round rectangle ( #d0d0d0 ) and then do free transform ( cmd + t or ctrl + t ) and do the same perspective. Apply the same layer styles.Step 11
Now make a rounded rectangle like the below and use the following layer styles. Make 8 1px lines with a opacity of 50% . Now make another rounded rectangle that’s half of the original one and make the opacity 50%.Step 12
Make a circle with the ellipse tool and use the following layer styles.Step 13
Duplicate and then do free transform width: 85% height: 85% Then use the following layer styles and move it down 3 pixels down. Duplicate and use the following layer styles. Move it down 4px down.Step 14
Now do a gradient fill with the following style. Place it right as you see in this image.Step 15
Duplicate the layer from step 13 and free transform width: 90% height: 90%. Use the following layer styles and make the shape color #232323. Now duplicate the layer and free transform width: 90% height: 90%. Apply the following layer styles.Step 16
Make a long rectangle and convert it to a smart layer then use Gaussian blur ( filter > blur > Gaussian blur )Step 17
Now duplicate the circle shape from step 15 ( #001634 ) and use free transform and change the width & height to 85% and apply the following layer styles.Step 18
Duplicate and make the opacity 80% with the blending mode overlay. Now cut out a triangle like the one below. Duplicate again and do another different triangle.Step 19
Make a circle with the ellipse tool inside the lens and copy and paste it on the same shape layer then use free transform and make the width & height 85% and subtract from path. Now do the same thing 5 times but this time make the circle smaller.Make the blend mode to overlay and the opacity to 55%.
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